Hello, my name is Julio Zambrano

I’m a Mechatronics Engineer specialized in Data Science and Machine Learning




K-Means - Clustering the Iris dataset

The goal of this model is to cluster the Iris flowers from their dataset according to their specs


The goal is to predict if the purchase of a caravan car was made or not using K-Nearest Neighbours

Linear Regression - Student Grades

The goal of this model is to predict the final math grades of students using linear regression

Modelling - Applying SVM on the Iris dataset

The goal is to predict the species of an Iris flower using Support Vector Machines

Modelling - Neural Networks - Boston housing

The goal is to create a model to predict the median value of the houses in Boston (medv)

Random Forest Titanic Kaggle competition

First submission for a competition

Boston Housing Prediction

Predict the values of a house in Boston according to its location, age and related dependencies

Car Speed Prediction

Predict speed (mph) and stopping distance (ft) of cars in a dataset

Clustering example - Rocks

With unsupervised learning the goal is to group or cluster rocks according to their characteristics

Decision trees - Titanic Survivors

The goal is to predict the survivors of the Titanic shipwreck using Decision trees

Orange Trees Growth

What will be the circumference of an Orange tree after 800 days of being planted?

Data Science Web App - Palmer Penguins prediction

A web app that predicts the species of a Palmer penguin based on its features using Machine Learning

Data Science Web App - Iris flower prediction

A Web App to predict the type of an Iris flower using Machine Learning.

Data Science Web App - Stock prices

A simple Web App to display the stock prices of a Ticker using information from Yahoo Financial.


‘Standing on the shoulders of giants’


Customer Experience Engineer


Mar 2022 – Present Vienna, AT

Guiding customers and colleagues through the complexities of deploying and troubleshooting MOSTLY AI on Kubernetes and OpenShift platforms

Skills applied:

  • Kubernetes
  • Cloud Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI)
  • Data Science

Junior Machine Learning Engineer: Internship

Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CENIDET)

Feb 2021 – Feb 2022 Cuernavaca, MX

Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for the Predictive Maintenance of Collaborative Robots

Models applied:

  • SVM
  • Gradient Boosting (ADABOOST)
  • Dendritic Processing Morphological Neural Networks

Social Service: Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms

Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CENIDET)

Aug 2020 – Feb 2021 Cuernavaca, MX

Comparison of different Machine Learning algorithms for their use in Data Science

Responsibilities include:

  • Regression, Classification, Clustering
  • Modelling
  • Deploying

Web content writer

ICS-digital LLP

Sep 2017 – Mar 2022 Remote - Leeds, UK
Multilingual content creator for a global audience (ES, PT)

Freelance Translator and Quality Assurance

Enida Translations

Jun 2017 – Mar 2022 Remote - Rossbach, DE
(ES, IT, EN)

Sales and support manager (Latin America)


Oct 2016 – Jul 2017 Rome, IT
Responsible for the growth of the startup in the Latin American market

Production Supervisor

Tim Hortons

Sep 2014 – Sep 2016 Didsbury, CA

Multilingual Helpdesk Technician


Sep 2013 – Sep 2014 Mexico City, MX
(ES, PT, EN)

Store Manager


Sep 2009 – Jul 2013 Mexico City, MX
  • Business Administration
  • Staffing
  • Training
  • Customer Service

Shift Supervisor


Sep 2006 – Sep 2009 Mexico City, MX
Film projection supervisor

Selected Certifications

Tenacity and curiosity

LFS258: Kubernetes Fundamentals

Kubernetes, Helm, Orchestration, Site Reliability Engineer
See certificate

AWS Cloud Quest: Solutions Architect

AWS, Cloud Architecture, Cloud Infrastructure, Solutions Architect
See certificate

AWS Cloud Quest: Machine Learning

AWS, Data Engineering, Machine Learning
See certificate

AWS Cloud Quest: Data Analytics

AWS, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence
See certificate

Implement DevOps in Google Cloud

Google Cloud, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence
See certificate

Engineer Data in Google Cloud

Google Cloud, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence
See certificate

The Data Science Course 2021: Complete Data Science Bootcamp

Python, Scikit-Learn, Keras, Tensorflow
See certificate

Curso completo de Machine Learning: Data Science con RStudio

Machine Learning Bootcamp in R
See certificate

Machine Learning con R. Data Analytics de Básico a Experto

Data Analytics with R
See certificate

Master en R para Data Science y Machine Learning

Masters in R for Machine Learning
See certificate

Curso de R para Modelos Básicos de Machine Learning

Machine Learning modeling in R
See certificate

Professional Certificate Program: Data Science

Data Science with R (unpaid certificate)

Python Programmer

See certificate

Professional Certificate Program: Ciencia de Datos

Data Analytics (unpaid certificate)

Microcontrollers Programmer

See certificate

Data Analyst

Data Analytics for business and science
See certificate

Data Finder

Data collection and processing
See certificate

MicroMasters Program in Robotics

Unpaid certificate

Diploma: Informatics Technician

Web development (HTML and CSS), Database Administration (Access and SQL), Advanced spreadsheets (Excel), Text (Word) and Presentations (PowerPoint)
See certificate


Useful technical skills for the daily life

Data Analysis and Cloud Computing

Kubernetes, Python, Bash


AI + Machine Learning

IT Support and DevOps

Content writing

Business Management and Leadership

Mechatronics Engineering


Get in touch: jzambrano.xyz@gmail.com

  • Vienna, Austria